• DevOps

    "Faster, more responsive software delivery has become crucial to business innovation and customer engagement. IBM DevOps solutions provide continuous software delivery using lean and agile principles—allowing organizations to constantly monitor customer feedback and rapidly deliver innovative, engaging customer experiences."

  • HTML5: Techniques for providing useful text alternatives

    "To determine appropriate text alternatives it is important to think about why an image is being included in a document. What is its purpose? Thinking like this will help you to understand what is important about the image for the page's intended audience. Every image has a reason for being on a page, because it provides useful information, performs a function, or enhances aesthetics. Therefore, knowing what the image is for, makes writing appropriate text alternatives easier."

  • Getting Started with Web Accessibility

    "The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) develops strategies, guidelines, and resources to help make the Web accessible to people with disabilities."

  • W3C's Website Accessibility Conformance Evaluation Methodology (WCAG-EM) 1.0

    "This document provides guidance on evaluating how well websites conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0."

  • ACTF aDesigner

    "aDesigner is a disability simulator that helps designers ensure that their content and applications are accessible and usable by the visually impaired."

  • MarsCommuter: Travel to Mars for Work or Pleasure!

    "This web page is for demonstration purposes, to show common accessibility errors."

  • HTML5 Accessibility

    "Get the current accessibility support status of HTML5 features across major browsers."

  • The Experts have Spoken! Our Favorite Accessibility Tools

    "These are the accessibility checkers and tools that our experts use in their daily work; the tools that make web accessibility possible."

  • web-design-standards

    "Open source UI components and visual style guide for U.S. government websites"

  • The People’s Code

    "Code.gov is a platform designed to improve access to the federal government’s custom-developed software."

  • WCAG 2.0 Checklist

    Google Spreadsheet WCAG 2.0 Checklist

  • How To Build An Accessible Web Application

    "Presentation slides for Accessibility DC Meetup, November 15, 2011."

  • Web Design References

    Links for a multitude of accessibility links

  • Web Accessibility for Designers

    "The focus of web accessibility is often on web development – the things that happen in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript after a site has been designed visually. Optimal accessibility should start much earlier, as part of the visual design process. We have created an infographic that highlights a few important principles of accessible design."

  • Web Experience Toolkit

    "What is the Web Experience Toolkit? An award-winning front-end framework for building websites that are accessible, usable, interoperable, mobile friendly and multilingual A collection of flexible and themeable templates and reusable components A collaborative open source project led by the Government of Canada"

  • WebAIM's WCAG 2.0 Checklist

    "This checklist contains WebAIM's interpretation of WCAG guidelines and success criteria and our own recommended techniques for satisfying those success criteria. The first column of the table below links to the official WCAG 2.0 success criteria."


    "The Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (WCAG WG) have published a new version of How to Meet WCAG 2.0: A customizable quick reference to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 requirements (success criteria) and techniques. It provides a customizable view of WCAG 2.0 resources, including: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 web standard, Techniques for WCAG 2.0 implementation guidance, and […]

  • Appendix B: Checklist (Non-Normative)

    "The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Checklist serves as an appendix to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 [WCAG20]. It lists all of the success criteria from WCAG 2.0 in a checkable list. The level of each success criterion is provided as well as a link to WCAG 2.0 for more information for each success criterion. For many readers, the Checklist provides a quick reference and overview to the information in WCAG 2.0."

  • Alternative Style: Working With Alternate Style Sheets

    "Style sheets can be associated with documents using a list of link elements in the head. There are three different relationships external style sheets can have with the document: persistent, preferred, and alternate."

  • The Unbearable Inaccessibility of Slideshows

    "Sometimes they are inaccessible because people just don’t care about accessibility. But in most cases there are just so many accessibility requirements that need to be addressed that a couple of them get missed. And that can be disastrous for accessibility."

  • Why Don’t Screen Readers Always Read What’s on the Screen? Part 1: Punctuation and Typographic Symbols

    "Unfortunately, screen readers don’t always read what’s on the screen. Sometimes that’s OK, but sometimes that’s really bad. If a screen reader fails to read important text, the user will fail to understand it. It’s not the user’s fault, and it’s usually not the web developer’s fault either. These are problems with the screen reader software itself. It’s high time for screen reader programmers to fix these problems, and to get some consistency across brands of screen […]

  • Programmatically associate abbreviations with their definitions

    "To do so, simply make sure that the aria-describedby property is used to programmatically associate the meaning of the abbreviation or acronym to its occurrence in content. The same approach would work perfectly if the definition of the occurrence were to appear in a footnote, or elsewhere in the same document. By programmatically binding the occurrence with its definition, assistive technologies will be able to reliably convey that information back to users, thus helping them get a […]

  • Quail Library

    interactive link: PHP Accessibility Library

  • Accessible jQuery-ui Components Demonstration

    " How to use the Slider widget: Each slider thumb takes up one stop in the tab order. The slider thumb's value can be changed using the following shortcuts: Left Arrow: Descrease value by 1 Left Arrow: Inscrease value by 1 Page Down: Descrease value by larger increment Page Up: Inscrease value by larger increment Home: Set value to minimum End: Set value to maximum Tab: move focus between multiple thumbs To be announced properly, the slider must be used with an ARIA compliant […]

  • Understanding How to Use CSS for Accessibility (Hiding Stuff)

    "For the most part screen readers don’t care about CSS. After all if you are a blind user, why do you want to know what color something is or where it is placed on the screen. This goes back to using HTML to mark up content, and using CSS to style the page. The screen reader generally only cares about the content."

  • Enhancing Web 2.0 Accessibility Via AxsJAX: A Tutorial at Google - Charles L....

    "Google is the Web's premier creator of user-friendly Web 2.0 applications, and we have long viewed it as part of our mission to do for users in the long tail (AKA users with special needs) what we've achieved for the mainstream user see this Google I/O talk entitled Design Patterns for Enhanced Accessibility for background. Accessibility 2.0 is now a hot topic on the Web and we would like to move from a world where AJAX applications were a straight No-No with respect to blind users to a […]

  • contrast ratio

    "As you type, the contrast ratio indicated will update. Hover over the circle to get more detailed information. When semi-transparent colors are involved as backgrounds, the contrast ratio will have an error margin, to account for the different colors they may be over."

  • Accessibility Color Wheel

    "Use: Choose a foreground color by pointing the mouse over the wheel or the vertical grey gradation strip and click or, if you have a touch screen, just touch them. Then click the "Background" button and choose a background color the same way. If a checkmark becomes visible the color pair is good for accessibility. Otherwise change one color or both by selecting foreground or background with the buttons."

  • Developing apps for accessibility

    "Designing inclusive software results in improved usability and customer satisfaction. Get inspired by these stories of accessible technology products."

  • Translating Accessibility Issues Into Agile Solutions

    "At Deque, we pride ourselves on delivering a complete set of tools and services to help our customers achieve success in web accessibility. The meaning of “complete” in this context is ever evolving, however. As we learn what our customers need in order to succeed, we react by incorporating their needs into our offerings."

  • Accessibility Guide

    "This site is currently in Draft as it's still being built. It will eventually contain resources for all things accessibility, development best practices, testing guides, and tools."